Thursday, November 4, 2010

Report: Obama's post-election agenda calls for a Palestinian state or else

WASHINGTON — With the mid-term elections over, President Barack Obama is expected to resume heavy pressure on Israel, a report said.

The Center for Security Policy asserted that Obama would threaten U.S. relations with Israel after the Democrat Party's loss in congressional elections on Nov. 2. The Washington-based institute said Obama would press for the establishment of a Palestinian state over Israel's objections.

"Once the 2010 elections are behind him, it is a safe bet that President Obama will revert to form by once again exhibiting an unmistakable and ruthless determination to bend Israel to his will," the report, authored by Frank Gaffney, said.

Gaffney, a former Defense Department official, said Obama plans to increase pressure on Israel to unprecedented levels after his party's historic defeat in congressional elections. He said the president had eased pressure on Israel in response to Democrat candidates who feared a Jewish backlash.

"Unfortunately, what the president has in mind for Israel after the election will make his previous treatment of the Jewish state look like the good old days," the report, titled "Obama's Not-so-hidden Agenda," said on Oct. 26.

The report echoed previous assessments by the Israeli government and intelligence community of a crisis with the United States in the aftermath of the U.S. elections. The Israeli assessment envisioned that Obama would accelerate efforts to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank regardless of Israeli concerns.

"Worse yet, he will be able to take advantage of a vehicle for effecting the so-called 'two state solution,' no matter how strenuously Israel and its friends in Washington object," the report said. "The Palestinians will simply unilaterally declare themselves a state and ask for international recognition — and Mr. Obama will accede to that request."

During the spring of 2010, U.S.-Israel relations were said to have dropped to one of their lowest points in more than 50 years. Gaffney said Obama vilified Israel and forced it into territorial, political and other concessions to the Arabs.

"To be sure, ties between the United States and Israel — far and away America's most important and loyal friend in the Middle East — have improved lately from the nadir to which Mr. Obama plunged them since he took office," the report said. "That has nothing to do, however, with a change of heart or agenda on the part of the president and his administration."

Gaffney said Obama could provide U.S. recognition to any unilateral declaration of Palestinian independence. Another option was that the president abstain from a resolution in the United Nations Security Council that would recognize a Palestinian state.

"The truth is that, either way, Mr. Obama will have dealt Israel a potentially mortal blow," the report said. "Without control of the high ground and water aquifers of the West Bank, the Jewish state is simply indefensible and unsustainable."

The report said Obama could also agree to deploy U.S. forces in the West Bank in wake of a declaration of Palestinian independence. Gaffney warned that international forces, including Americans, would soon protect Israel's enemies in a policy similar to that of the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon.

"The same is certain to eventuate in the West Bank as paramilitary forces the United States has foolishly trained and equipped become a standing army and fall under the sway of Hamas," the report said.

Story source:

Okay...this is not looking good at all!

The story uses some disturbing statements such as: "increase pressure on Israel to unprecedented levels"..."exhibit an unmistakable and ruthless determination"..."bend Israel to his will"...and more.

What exactly is the "or else" threat in the story? Is it forcing the 'two state solution' simply by declaration and recognition in spite of Israeli objections?

The statement most offensive to me was "bend Israel to his will." Obama's will??? Who does he think he is? Perhaps Obama should re-think his position...or else!

Hebrews 10:31
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.



Toyin O. said...

Interesting news, thanks for sharing.

midspoint said...

Thank you, Toyin...we live in a time when we need to keep abreast of what's going on...
Shalu shalom Yerushalayim!


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