Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Middle East and Eternity

So much is going on in the Middle East, it's hard to keep up, let alone blog about it. And it changes daily now... time is speeding up and getting shorter simultaneously. Is your head spinning yet from all that is happening so rapidly? Mine is! My thoughts are continually on God~ He has this all under control, and we must... MUST... take it all by faith that what He has said in His Word WILL come to pass. In what little time is left to those of us who believe in and follow Yeshua HaMashiach, we need to be about our Father's business of proclaiming His Son as Lord and Savior to this lost and dying world!

If you don't know Him yet as such, I pray you will surrender to Him, turn from those things in your life which are not of God, and ask for forgiveness... then follow Him... you can find out how in His Written Word, the Bible. Praying for each and everyone of you who might read this!

Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for America!

Blessings in the name of Jesus,
Baruch atem b'Shem, Yeshua

1 comment:

Don said...

Amen, Mid, Amen!!!

You said it all, and you said it well. Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes. Israel and all of the Middle East are at the forefront of every newspaper and news broadcast. The world's eyes are focused on events as they quickly unfold - exactly as Scriptures say would happen in the last days.

The time for getting right with the Lord is almost past - for the time is short. As Mid said...surrender to Him, trust in Him, and follow Him as your Savior and Lord. Do it while there is still time!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!


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