Monday, May 22, 2017

Survival of a Nation: The Battle for Jerusalem

Baruch atem b'Shem, Yeshua

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Mid,
It is wonderful to be back online! I had not seen this video before and will visit often. My Partner of 11 years suddenly decided to leave me last August We were not really getting on too well as he is a Pagan and I have a lot of knowledge of my Jewish background. So here I am. I spend a lot of time on facebook supporting Israel. This has alienated most of my family for one reason or another but in life, we have to make sacrifices and I realise that now. And I am not afraid. My dear brother Peter understands me though and we speak often on the telephone and he is very supportive.
I plan to go to Israel eventually! I must admit that the plans for the Third Temple disconcert me a bit, but I know all will be well and that Israel will never be defeated. Bless you, Mid you are an inspiration! I have been studying Torah and intend to learn Hebrew.
לשנה הבאה בירושלים


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