Tuesday, December 6, 2011


In light of the time in which we live, I felt led to write and share my fervent prayer with many. Please join together with me in lifting up our praise, our thanksgiving, and our requests before the throne of Almighty God.


Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You, I praise You, and I trust in You for who You are, for Your tender care and mercies, for watching over us, and for providing for our every need. Oh Lord, You are our Creator, You are in control of our very existence, and You know all of our thoughts and shortcomings.

But Father, in such a time as this we must humbly fall on our knees and bow before You. As a people and as a nation, we must repent and seek Your face as never before. Lord, we have failed miserably, we have forgotten to acknowledge You as sovereign in all things, and we have gone our own way – only to become lost and desperately in need of Your protective and guiding hand.

In such a time as this, we see evil all around us causing misery and destroyed lives. The foundations and principles on which our nation was established are being diluted and eroded. Our financial institutions are crumbling right before our eyes. Father, we see corruption and greed in all levels of our government. Your Ten Commandments for us are quickly disappearing from public view. Your Truths and our prayers in Jesus’ Name are no longer permitted in our schools – for they are considered offensive and exclusive. But at the same time, satanic, pagan religions are permitted and taught to the young minds who will one day be the leaders of our country.

In such a time as this our moral fabric has been allowed to deteriorate into a seemingly hopeless state with failed marriages, rampant homosexuality and immorality, the slaughter of countless unborn children, hate and violence in the heart and mind of men, and dishonesty is everywhere we look. Lord, it grieves me to know we have fallen so deeply into the pit of self-destruction.

Father, it brings me to tears when I learn that Your Holy written Word is now considered hate literature in many locations, and cannot be preached as it must be preached. Your precious gospel message of salvation is no longer the essential cornerstone for the Christian faith in many churches today. Teachings of repentance, judgment, born-again, accountability, the Way, the Truth, and the Life only through Jesus’ shed blood on the cross have been replaced with teachings of tolerance, love, feelings, self-esteem, sermons that don’t offend, and that many paths lead to heaven. People are dying Lord, and souls are eternally lost every day because they haven’t received the true gospel. May eyes be opened quickly to the everlasting Truth of Your Word.

In these times in which we live, we see nations planning to destroy each other – many diligently seeking the means and the opportunity to destroy even us as a people and nation. Father, help us to never become arrogant in believing that we would always be immune to a devastating attack on our country – either from outside our boarders, or from within. It’s only because of Your watchful eye and Your hand of protection that we’ve been allowed to let freedom ring. I fear that we as a people are no longer a God-fearing nation, but instead we have become a nation that has turned its back on You. We have abandoned the respect and reverence for You - Almighty God - and for the Biblical principles and values that once made our nation great. Lord, how long will Your patience endure? How long will Your cloak of protection continue to cover over us?

For such a time as this we must turn to You, we must lean on You, and we must renew our dependence and trust in You – and in You alone. Father, Your Word promises that if we would humble ourselves, if we would pray and seek after You, and if we would repent – turning away from our evil ways, then You would hear our cries of despair. Only then, will Your blessings be poured out on us again as You have promised – restoring us and healing our land.

I pray that we as a people and a nation will do that for such a time as this – all for Your glory. Forgive me, Lord, for I too have fallen short, and have not always lived a life that is pleasing to You. Help me in every way to bring honor to Your Name, for I love You and desire to do Your Will. I pray this and ask it in the matchless Name of Jesus, my Savior and Lord.


1 comment:

midspoint said...

And I add my Amen to this! In Jesus' Name!
Thank you, Don...so well put and from the heart!!


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