Thursday, October 13, 2016

Behold Israel Update on Russia/Putin

Amir Tsarfati gives important information on what's happening with Russia/Putin! This is something our media won't report on. Please listen and share!!

Baruch atem b'Shem, Yeshua

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Yom Kippur

It is the 10th of Tishrei, in the year 5777
Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement

May all of our hearts be humbled before the Lord God Almighty, not only on this day, but each day as this years approaches its end. We need you Elohim~Father God; we need you Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Messiah; we need you Ruach HaKodesh, Holy Spirit! Grant us shalom in Your presence!

Baruch atem b'Shem, Yeshua,


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