Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Facts...

Anti Semitism grows daily... just watch the news in whatever country/city you live
The threat of Iranian nuclear power grows daily... just watch the news in whatever country/city you live
The possibility of Israel being completely alone grows daily... just watch the news in whatever country/city you live
Israel is one of the first responders in another country's crisis... just watch the news in whatever country/city you live
Israel, as tiny a nation (7 million people), is a constant recipient of Nobel prizes, and a leader in the world of technology and innovative medical and environmental breakthroughs... just...

Wait!! You ARE getting all this in your news coverage, right?  


When was the last time you saw Israel painted in a positive way by your local and the national news media?
Makes you think, doesn't it?
God's prophecies about Israel being hated and abandoned by the world are coming true right before our eyes!
And the only thing we can do about it, is to prayerfully support this country, so loved by God that He covenanted with/married her as His "wife". His promises concerning Israel will not fail.

If you don't know what those promises are, do a search on your own, or read them here, when I post next time, Lord willing.

Baruch atem b'Shem, Yeshua

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