Saturday, December 1, 2012


I love many of the old gospel hymns, and often reflect on their music and lyrics.  Recently, one of them titled, "Mansion Over The Hilltop", has echoed through my mind repeatedly.  The words of the chorus within that song are as follows:

 I've got a mansion just over the hilltop,
In that bright land where we'll never grow old;
And someday yonder we will never more wander,
But walk the streets that are purest gold.

Jesus gave His promise of mansions in heaven for believers as written in John 14:1-3 NKJV.

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

Just imagine!  The Master Architect of the heavens and the earth is in heaven today preparing a special home for each one who belongs to Him.  The magnificence of His creation that we see here on earth is but a tiny preview of what heaven will be like.  We see majestic mountains and peaceful valleys, breath-taking sunsets, star-studded night skies and deep blue seas.  We also see lush meadows with delicate flowers, graceful birds of the air, green forests and fields of waving grain…just to mention some of our earthly beauty. 

Our minds simply cannot imagine the grandeur that awaits believers in heaven as the Apostle Paul recorded for us in 1 Cor. 2:9 NIV.

“However, as it is written:  ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has promised for those who love Him.’”

The day is coming soon when I will hear my name called from the hills of glory.  Jesus will be there, and will be the first to welcome me with outstretched arms.  When I see my Savior, I will know Him by His shining, smiling face and by the scars in the nail pierced hands of the One who suffered and died for me in my place.  We will sing together, and laugh and talk as we stroll hand in hand down the endless streets of pure gold.  All of that and so much more will be in store for those who have confessed Him as Lord. 

The dwelling place promised to me will be there, too, but will pale in comparison when I finally see the King of Kings and Lord of Lords face to face...for He is all that will matter.  It will make no difference whether the heavenly home prepared for me is a picturesque masterpiece on a hilltop, a simple one room cabin in the woods, or perhaps something else beyond our ability to comprehend.  The most important thing is that my Savior is in heaven...I will be there where He is...and it will be forever.

However, Jesus is preparing a place for only those who truly know Him.  If He is not the Lord of your life...if He is not your all-in-all...and if you cannot say with confidence that He is your Blessed Hope and Salvation by faith alone, then, you will not enter through heaven's gate.   

Do you know Him today?  Is Jesus preparing a place for you? 

You must be very sure!


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